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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorCiobanu, Ghenadie-
dc.contributor.authorBagrii, Konon-
dc.identifier.otherУДК 657.05-
dc.description.abstractThe activity of economic entities in the conditions of the country's unstable economy is caused by strengthening of business processes integration, information influence of the latest technologies and search of new progressive management tools. The achievement of their success through the implementation of development strategy largely depends on the availability of information produced by such a type of management accounting as strategic management accounting. Under these conditions, creating the organization system of strategic management accounting of business entities becomes important.uk_UK
dc.publisherТрансформація податкової та обліково-аналітичної систем в контексті сучасних кризових явищ : Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (20 травня 2021 р.). Чернівці. С. 37-40.uk_UK
dc.subjectstrategic management accountinguk_UK
dc.subjectbusiness environmentuk_UK
dc.titleОrganization system of strategic management accounting of business entities in conditions of the country’s unstable economyuk_UK
Appears in Collections:06.35.31 Облік (тези)

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