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Title: Theoretical Description for Omeprazole Cathodical Electrochemical Determination, Assisted by Omeprazole Electrochemical Determination, Assisted by the Composite Poly(1,2,4-triazole) – VO(OH)
Authors: Bagrii, Konon
Tkach, Volodymyr
Kushnir, Marta
Kopiika, Vira
Luganska, Olga
Omelianchyk, Lyudmyla
Kormosh, Zholt
Kryvetsky, Viktor
Kryvetskyi, Igor
Kryvetska, Inna
Honchar, Tetiana
Rotar, Gabriella
Ostapchuk, Valentyna
Melnychuk, Svitlana
Ivanushko, Yana
Gordiyenko, Natalia
Britsyna, Yulia
Strutynska, Lyubov
Danyliuk, Inna
De Oliveira, Sílvio
Yagodynets, Petro
Razhabova, Dilafruz
Niyazov, Laziz
Odyntsova, Vira
Keywords: omeprazole
stable steady-state
electrochemical sensors
vanadium oxyhydroxide
conducting polymers
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 3012-3018
Abstract: In this work, we describe theoretically the possibility of omeprazole electrochemical determination, assisted by the composite containing vanadium oxyhydroxide as an active substance and the polymer of 1,2,4-triazolic derivative as a mediator. The omeprazole molecule undergoes a sulfoxide to sulfide reduction process over a trivalent vanadium compound. The vanadium oxyhydroxide, at its turn, may be oxidized to a tetravalent state, represented in two forms. The electroanalytical process behavior will be illustrated by a trivariate equation-set, analysis of which confirms the efficiency of the composite of poly (1,2,4-triazole) with VO(OH). Vanadium (III) oxyhydroxide may be efficiently used for omeprazole detection both in pharmaceutical formulations, food, and biological liquids.
ISSN: 2069-5837
Appears in Collections:31 Хімія

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