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dc.contributor.authorРилєєв, Сергій Володимирович-
dc.contributor.authorДрінь, Ірина Ігорівна-
dc.identifier.otherУДК 005: 65.01-
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглядаються теоретичні підходи до трактування поняття “системний аналіз”, його еволюція та напрями розвитку. Висвітлено та узагальнено елементи методології системного аналізу: принципи, підходи та методи. The theoretical and methodological aspects of systems analysis are described in the article. Disclosure of system analysis was made in the light of the concepts of "system", "systems approach", "analysis", "System Activity" and so on. As a result of the phenomenological approach the characteristic of system analysis on the following criteria was examined: the core, structure, classification and development (evolution). The methodology of systems analysis is a very complex and contains the set of principles, approaches, concepts and specific techniques. It was ascertained that the most important principles of systems analysis should include principles elementariness, common communication, development, completeness, systematization, hierarchy, formalization, and setting the purpose. However, a systematic analysis seems integral with these principles. Methodology consists of a set of formal methods that allow allocating a lot of links that affect the nature of the problem, which defines the role and the relationship between them. This methodology is the core of the overall system analysis methodology. Speaking of a set of methodological techniques of systems analysis, it is now quite difficult to give a comprehensive list of methods that have system-wide use, separating them with the methods, which are limited to certain classes of problems and systems. Analyzing a system or process, or logical problem, the obvious is a necess ary attribute of reality, methodology, systems analysis, that improves problems. Promising areas of system analysis and its role in solving the problems were outlined in the researchuk_UK
dc.publisherНауковий журнал Луцького національного технічного університету «Економічний форум». 2014. № 2. С. 247–256uk_UK
dc.subjectСистемний підхідuk_UK
dc.subjectSystem approachuk_UK
dc.subjectСистемний аналізuk_UK
dc.subjectSystems analysisuk_UK
dc.subjectСистемна діяльністьuk_UK
dc.subjectSystem activitiesuk_UK
dc.titleТеоретико-методологічні аспекти системного аналізуuk_UK
dc.title.alternativeTheoretical and methodological aspects of system analysisuk_UK
Appears in Collections:06.35.17 Системний аналіз, управління та оброблення інформації в економіці. Методи управління

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