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Showing results 120 to 139 of 1335 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Regional Economic Growth Disparities in Ukraine: Input-Output Analysis ApproachVerstiak, Oksana; Verstiak, Andrii; Hryhorkiv, Vasyl; Hryhorkiv, Mariia
2017Retrospective Ethnic Variety of Settlements as Components of the Prykarpattia Natural RegionsKrul’, Volodymyr; Hyshchuk, Roman; Diachuk, Alina
2022-10Risk Management of Economic Security of Poultry Enterprise: Accounting and Analytical ModelMustetsa, Iryna; Luchyk, Svitlana; Manachynska, Yulia; Luchyk, Vasil; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr; Luchyk, Marharyta
2023Risk-Oriented Strategic Management Accounting in UkraineManachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr; Fomina, Olena; Semenova, Svitlana; Moshkovska, Olena
2016Role of the Human Resources Management in an EnterpriseChychun, Valentyna
2014Role of the Interregional Cooperation in the Realization of State Politics of Social and Economic Development of the TerritoriesVdovichena, Olha; Olijnych, Svitlana
2021Sacral Heritage of the Carpathian Region and Management of its Resource Component in Tourism ActivityVdovichen, Anatolii; Krool, Volodymyr; Hyshchuk, Roman; Dobynda, Iryna
2016Scenario assessment prediction of unbalanced development of the border regions under conditions of civilization changesVdovichen, Anatolii; Vdovichena, Olha
2019Scientific Approaches for Planning the Architecture for Urban Economic SpaceVdovichena, Olha; Gudz, Petro; Gudz, Maryna; Tkalenko, Oksana
2021Securities Custody Services: International ExperienceRoshylo, Violetta
2024-03SMARTFIN. UA - Сучасна Українська онлайн-бухгалтерія для малого та середнього бізнесуМустеца, Ірина Василівна; Фербей, Галина Михайлівна
2020Statistical evaluation of the ukrainian agricultural sector effectiveness in the context of food securityManachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr; Moshkovska, Olena
2022SWOT-analysis as a Basis for Formation of Strategies in the Process of Tourism Development Management in UkraineBagrii, Konon
2022SWOT-аналіз застосування суб’єктами підприємницької діяльності ПРРОБагрій, Конон Леонідович
2013SWOT-аналіз як інструмент дослідження внутрішнього середовища підприємстваКифяк, Василь Федорович
2018Synergetic Interaction of the Bioeconomics Principles in the Global Economic System StructureVdovichen, Anatolii; Vdovichena, Olha
2021Teaching Esp Through Distance Learning TechniquesHildebrant, Kateryna
2019Technology and quality of food products with powders of hydrobiontsPalamarek, Karina; Fedorova, Dina; Diachuk, Larisa
2022Technology elaboration of biscuits with reduced sugar contentRomanovska, Olha
2020Tendencies for the development of hotels in Ukraine under crisis situationsBagrii, Konon; Palamarek, Karina