Browsing by Author Manachynska, Yulia

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20185D paradigm of actuarial accounting in the system of the cost of business valuationManachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr; Luchyk, Svitlana
20196D-model of business valuation management: actuarial aspectLuchyk, Svitlana; Manachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr; Luchyk, Marharyta
20197D-model of business development in the conditions of geoeconomic scenarios for UkraineManachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr
2015Accounting and auditing of financial performance of hotel industryManachynska, Yulia
2020Accounting Support of Marketing Strategy Management of Economic Development of the Border RegionManachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr
2021Accounting system transformation: actuarial approach in 3DManachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr; Tallat, Mahmood
2021Accounting System Transformation: Actuarial Approach in 3DManachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr; Mahmood, Tallat
2021Accounting value assessment in the enterprise management systemManachynska, Yulia
2016Actual problems of the organization financial accounting of the income in hotel economyManachynska, Yulia
2017Actuarial accounting at the system of business managementManachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr
2021Actuarial multidimensional model of ukrainian agricultural companies’ valuationManachynska, Yulia; Moshkovska, Olena; Luchyk, Svitlana; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr; Luchyk, Vasil; Luchyk, Marharyta
2020Analytical Model of Deposit Portfolio Optimization in Ukrainian BanksBagrii, Konon; Luchyk, Svitlana; Luchyk, Vasyl; Luchyk, Marharyta; Manachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr
2014Conception of economic nature creation of valueadded businessManachynska, Yulia
2022Cost-Oriented Management of Agritourism Social Infrastructure in UkraineManachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr; Luchyk, Svitlana; Moshkovska, Olena
2019Development of an Automated Model for Evaluating the Reproduction of Fixed Assets of the Enterprises of Hotel IndustryBagrii, Konon; Luchyk, Svitlana; Mustetsa, Iryna; Manachynska, Yulia; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr
2023Digital Technologies in the Financial Process Management: Accounting AspectManachynska, Yulia
2015Hotel tariff types and complex nature of hotel servicesManachynska, Yulia
2022Innovative methodological tools of actuarial accountingManachynska, Yulia; Bashlai, Serhii; Belinska, Kristina; Bulyk, Tatiana; Dankanych, Andrii; Gutsul, Tatiana; Jorovlea, Elvira; Kochubey, Alla; Marchenko, Svitlana; Marusei, Tetyana; Muliar, Volodymyr; Oleksin, Yuriy; Penyak, Pavlo; Rynzhuk, Larysa; Shevchuk, Tamara; Sokal, Valentina; Sulima, Nataliia; Terekhova, Svitlana; Yakubovska, Svitlana
2022-12Introduction of Internal Audit as an Innovative Tool for Improving the Economic Efficiency of EnterprisesMustetsa, Iryna; Luchyk, Svitlana; Manachynska, Yulia; Luchyk, Vasil; Yevdoshchak, Volodymyr
2013Investment activity and prospects for capital market development in Ukraine: present and futureManachynska, Yulia