Browsing by Subject vanadium (III) oxyhydroxide

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The theoretical description for VO(OH)-assisted electrochemical determination for the cathodic removal of environmentally unfriendly artificial sweetener sucralose and the chemical warfare agent chloropicrinTkach, Volodymyr; Morozova, Tetiana; Storoshchuk, Nataliia; Storoshchuk, Bogdan; Oliveira, Silvio; Vaz dos Reis, Lucinda; Ivanushko, Yana; Banul, Bohdana; Honchar, Tetiana; Garcia, Jarem; Paientko, Viktoriia; Yagodynets, Petro; Kormosh, Zholt; Palamarek, Karina; Chychun, Valentyna; Bagrii, Konon; Paiva Martins, Jose Inacio Ferrao; Khmeliar, Inesa; Kushnir, Lesya; Sabadyshyn, Rostyslav; Lysytsia, Dmytro; Sharipova, Riboba
2024The Theoretical Description for VO(OH)-Assisted Electrochemical Determination for the Cathodic Removal of Environmentally Unfriendly Artificial Sweetener Sucralose and the Chemical Warfare Agent ChloropicrinTkach, Volodymyr; Morozova, Tetiana; Storoshchuk, Nataliia; Storoshchuk, Bogdan; Oliveira, Sílvio; Reis, Lucinda Vaz dos; Ivanushko, Yana; Banul, Bohdana; Honchar, Tetiana; Garcia, Jarem; Paientko, Viktoriia; Yagodynets, Petro; Kormosh, Zholt; Palamarek, Karina; Chychun, Valentyna; Bagrii, Konon; Martins, José Inácio Ferrão da Paiva; Khmeliar, Inesa; Kushnir, Lesya; Sabadyshyn, Rostyslav; Lysytsia, Dmytro; Sharipova, Riboba
2023The Theoretical Description of Furfural and Lactic Acid Cathodic Determination in Bread and MilkChychun, Valentyna; Tkach, Volodymyr; Morozova, Tetiana; Prymachenko, Serhii; Korniienko, Iryna; Yastremska, Larysa; Kuznetsova, Olena; José Inácio Ferrão da Paiva Martins; Lucinda Vaz dos Reis; Necdet Karakoyun; Kushnir, Marta